Monday, March 7, 2011

Our puppy nicknamed "Bear" now known as "Chakotay" at 2 1/2 years old

Here is a current pic of "BEAR" he is doing well with owner Andrea, she has him involved in field coursing and playing with her growing Rhodesian brood! Not to mention herding, therapy training, etc. His title is ever growing Raviro Chiposhi Chivindi Desta CGC, HIC, ATTS, QC, TDI, RN (these titles are Canine Good Citizen, Herding Instinct Certificate, American Temperment Testing Society, Qualified Courser, Therapy Dogs International, and Rally Novice) his latest is ROFL, as Andrea has coined her own title, "Rolling on the Floor laughing!"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Haha.. no, he has the following titles:

Herding Instinct Certificate
Canine Good Citizen
Passed the Temperament Test from the American Temperament Testing Society
Qualified Courser
Therapy Dog title from Therapy Dogs International
And the most recent title - RALLY NOVICE!
Rally Excellent, more coursing and maybe some agility to come soon! =)