Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Meet the Puppies

Here are the pups. These pictures were taken on August 11, 2008 and give a general quick look at each pup. At this time there is no knowing how they will turn out in structure /conformation. We will be having the pups evaluated by Pat Hastings on September 12 and then will know which would be considered show quality or pet quality.


EMMA - Emma was second born, the first female. She is the largest of the females and the lightest. On her chest is a white horseshoe she also has quite a bit of white on her toes. She is very healthy and has always been successfull getting her share of food.


FRANKIE - The Biggest of them all! This is Frankie, he is the biggest boy of the litter. He is a sweet and gentle boy. Nice coloring, however he does have a kinked tail and therefore is not show quality.


NAMATITI - Namatiti is another large boy. He has the lightest coloring. He rough and tumbles with the rest of them and is definitely boy.


REVA - Reva or Reva the Diva as she was called when she first appeared, she seemed to be quite talkative at first. She has mellowed out and has become quite inquisitive and confident on her own.


ROCKY - so appropriately named, he is big with the biggest paws of them all. He has a nice dark coat and is quite a love. He loves to fall asleep cradled in your arms.


ACE - Ace was born first of the puppies. He's one of the larger boys and healthy and inquisitive. He was the first to climb out of the puppy pool where they have lived up until now.


BEAR - another of the BIG BOYS. He's healthy and active. His coloring is a little lighter than Ace's, however still a nice red wheaton color.


BUTLER - in yellow. Butler is the smallest of the litter, he is also the darkest in coloring. He is full of personality and rascally, always rough housing with his siblings.


CLIFFORD - THE BIG RED DOG, Clifford is oh so curious, another of the escape artists of the group, very inquisitive.


TWEETIE: She is our princess, She seems to resemble her mom the most, smaller than her brothers and very beautiful.

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